Cassava Stems in

According to the legend of the Indians of America, the gods gave a tiny sprout of an unknown plant to one of the Aboriginal tribes. He struggled his way towards the sun through dense thickets of tall grasses. The little stubborn one won his place under the sun and blossomed, bathed in its hot rays, turning into a flowering bush. It grew so fast that the earth was covered with cracks, through which the gaze of the ancient tribe opened tender white oblong tubers. In honor of the daughter of the leader of their tribe, the beautiful white-skinned Mani, the natives named the miracle plant Manioc given by the gods. The cassava tuber was edible and very tasty. An amazing bush quickly spread among the tribes, and each gave it its own name. Therefore, cassava (cassava) has many names - cassava, singkong, mann sampalang, yubi kayu and others. And today, an amazing bush with hearty tasty tubers (like manna from heaven), which does not require special care, feeds  Cassava Stems in  more than 500 million people on earth. Cassava is slowly becoming the food of the future!Cassava is native to the tropical regions of America, but most of all this crop is grown in the tropical conditions of Africa. For the content of milky juice in the organs of the plant, cassava is assigned to the euphorbia family, where it is separated into a separate genus "Manioc", containing more than 100 species. High adaptability to climatic conditions contributed to the spread of the family in hot deserts, tropical rainforests, in the south and in the middle zone of Russia and the CIS. For full maturation, root tubers need an average annual temperature of at least 20 ... 25 ° C. Therefore, in open ground, it is freely cultivated only in the tropics. In the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the culture can be cultivated in protected ground and grown as a houseplant. The most famous and widespread is the tropical exotic Manioc edible (Manihot esculenta). The cassava family is represented in the area of ​​natural growth by perennial herbs, shrubs, and much less often tree-like representatives. Manioc is a perennial evergreen fast growing shrub with a beautiful decorative leafy crown, often exceeding 3 m in height. The central stem becomes woody over time. Branching is weak, but nodes bearing large dark green long-leaved leaves are clearly visible throughout the stem. The leaf blade is deeply palmately divided, 3-7 lobed. The next arrangement of leaves contributes to the loose lacy decorative formation of the crown. The flowers are unisexual, yellowish-white, collected in apical racemes on long peduncles. On each brush, male flowers are located in the upper part, and female flowers in the lower part. In the life of cassava, and especially in reproduction, the flowers do not have much importance, but their ripening determines the readiness of the tubers for harvesting. The most interesting is the underground part of the cassava species. Edible cassava, or Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is attractive as a food crop. The root system is represented by a long thickened root up to 1 m long and 8-10 cm in diameter. 20 cm and weighing from 5 to 25 kg. 8B. The market today is represented by a large list of vegetable products. Interesting “sticks” with a strange-sounding name of cassava are sold in the market and in shops, which can be eaten. More and more summer residents are starting to grow not tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, but are interested in unusual food products. Manioc also belongs to such unusual vegetables for us. It can become not only a home vegetable crop, an exotic indoor plant, but also the basis of a business when cultivated in protected ground. Once having tasted cassava dishes, the buyer will forever fall in love with tropical exotic cuisine. Before deciding in what form and whether cassava will grow in your house, let's get acquainted with its composition, medicinal properties and use in cooking and home cooking. Edible cassava root is similar to a huge potato, but contains a large amount of linamarin or hydrocyanic acid glucoside. This is a rather toxic substance and therefore raw cassava should not be consumed. Of the nutrients, edible cassava contains the main minerals that ensure the full health and intrauterine development of the child - potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and calcium. B0). After heat treatment, the cassava root is safe to eat and is used by the population of the cultivation regions: Ground cassava seeds are a good emetic and laxative


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