Toyota Matrix 2010 Black

Land cruiser prado Land cruiser cygnus Mark II wagon blit Mark II Wagon Qualis 2nd generation, 2008 - 2013 (E140) 1st generation, 2002 - 2007 (E130) Matrix, 2008, 2400 cc see, Gasoline, Automatic, Four-wheel drive high ground clearance, powerful chain motor, four-wheel drive, sporty look. It looks better than the RAV, while everything is worth it. very little with such a 2.4l, 4VD engine, so there is no real assessment from the droma, they are rated as matrix 1.8, front-wheel drive. Matrix, 2002, 1800 cc see, Petrol, Automatic, Four-wheel drive, wx I own it since 2012. , the mileage was 89000 miles, to this moment. (mileage 137000 miles) Reliable, trouble-free car. minimum investment, only consumables. for 8 years changed the hub assembly, ball, KV front oil seal, front struts, the rest on the little things. sound insulation is really not up to par, it is corrected on its own in 2-4 tr. After the micrushnik WV it was all the same to me. the 1ZZ engine eats oil, possibly valve stem seals. Measured compression at 130,000 miles - showed 12.0-12.1 at the factory standard of 13.0 90000  Toyota Matrix 2010 Black miles - front suspension bulkhead, silent blocks, struts and all sorts of rubber bands. 107,000 miles - rear hub-bearing, oil seal KV-wet. 115000mil- ball, silent blocks again rear silent blocks, Matrix, 2004, 1800 cc see, Petrol, Automatic, Front-wheel drive Toyota of those years was assembled conscientiously. Thank you for these 10 years 🤝👋


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