Canvas Arts & Crafts in Uganda

Call within Russia is free daily from 9:00 to 21:00 Canvas is one of the most common types of basis for painting, but this was not always the case. Since ancient times, it was wood that was most often used to create works: icons, paintings, etc. There were many techniques that basically meant wooden blanks, this encaustic and egg tempera. Works written in this manner and dated to the 14th century and earlier are likely to be based on wood. But in the 15th century, oil painting became widespread precisely as an independent movement in the visual arts. This happened largely thanks to Jan wai Eik, he was one of the first artists who mastered oil painting, and actively used it in his works. The canvas, on the other hand, began to be actively used as a basis for paintings already in the 16th century, at first it became widespread in Florence and Venice, later its popularity reached the northern schools, and already the artists of Germany, Holland, Flanders appreciated its ease of use. These trends reached Russia only in the second half of the 17th century. When a non-profess Canvas Arts & Crafts in Uganda ional is told about canvas, he immediately imagines a piece of fabric, but he can hardly know that the type of fabric, different types of weaving have a significant impact on the final result, because it is they that determine the main characteristics such as: density, durability, non-susceptibility to temperature, weight, etc. The linen type of weaving has become widespread and famous, it is based on the alternation of horizontal and vertical fibers of the base. Also one of the main parameters of the canvas is graininess. On this basis, canvases are usually divided into three types: fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained. In fine-grained canvases, very thin threads are used in the warp, in coarse-grained ones, the size of the fibers is correspondingly much larger. Materials for making art canvases can also vary: Linen canvas is one of the most widely known types of fabric for creating artwork. The main advantages of this type of canvas are its strength, hydrophobicity, independence from temperature fluctuations. The fibers of such a web are of good length and uniform in width. Severe linen (edging, linen from the waste of primary processing of flax, theatrical linen) - the characteristic features of this vision are the unevenness of the fibers at the base, both in length and in thickness, sometimes they knot into knots. The quality of the canvas is no longer as high as in the previous version, but the price is also more democratic. Often used by novice artists, students. Cotton canvas - the spinner, as the name implies, is made from cotton yarn fibers. The strength of such a canvas is lower than that of linen, it is more hygroscopic, with a long tension on the frame it deforms faster and more strongly. But its texture is uniform, and the price differs significantly from linen. Synthetic canvas - The material for this type of canvas is polyester. The adhesion between the fibers of the canvas and oil paints is weaker than that of all natural canvases. Most often used in printing. The main advantages are softness, surface smoothness, wear resistance, and is not subject to decay processes. If used in painting, then more often with paints and primers on a synthetic basis. Mixed canvases - there are canvases, the composition of which is combined from linen and cotton fibers, or a mixture of synthetics and natural fabrics. But it is difficult to work with it, the texture is too uneven, although the wear resistance threshold is quite high. For educational work, or for sketches, primed cardboard, paper with an imitation of canvas, or cotton canvas, which is stretched over cardboard or grained, are often used as a basis. If you are serious, then the best choice among the variety of canvases would be an unbleached, dense canvas with a uniform texture. Such canvases cost a lot, but in return you will get a solid base for work, resistant to temperature and humidity changes, which will guarantee that no cracks appear on the primer layer, and the work will have the same appearance as at the moment of it. creation. As for the grain of the canvas, it is chosen based on the size and nature of your idea. If you plan to paint with thin strokes, then they will fit better on fine-grained and medium-grained canvases. For saturated pasty painting, strong coarse-grained canvases are more suitable, they will withstand a thick layer of paints and do not deform.


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